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You are viewing Cheat Codes for NASCAR Racing 3 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-07-08 21:22:16 Views : 27773 Cheat : Tip: Things have changed since NASCAR Racing 1999 Edition. Now, drafting past and outbraking a competitor into a turn is no longer a guarantee that he won't stay with you or attempt to regain his position in the midst of that turn. Be certain beforehand that your setup can handle all aspects of a given track's corners, and adjust your approach to ensure that a fast entry doesn't result in a slow exit. Tip: As always, a fast frame rate is absolutely essential to properly monitor your car's position and attitude. If the frame rate isn't totally smooth, especially in the midst of traffic, go to the graphics options area and prepare to sacrifice pretty pictures for fast frame transitions. Tip: NASCAR 3 is one of the very few racing titles in which a force-feedback wheel is actually a driving aid, not just a frivolous perk. If you have the bucks, take the plunge--just check the reviews of the wheel first and make sure you're getting a good one. Tip: If you're tinkering with your car, make sure your new setup can survive the grind of the race distance you choose. There were many times when I'd settled on a given setup that flew for the first few dozen laps, only to die later as rubber burned off the right front tire. Don't make the same mistake. Tip: If you can handle the pitfalls of short, low-banked circuits, chances are you can handle higher-banked and longer tracks where the driving isn't quite so frightening. I personally feel that Memphis, a three-quarter-mile facility with 11-degree banking, is a great baptism by fire. Tip: You would do well to adopt the "Five P" approach: Preparation, patience, perseverance, pacing, and last but surely not least, practice. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more NASCAR Racing 3 cheat codes.
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